Thursday, July 30, 2015

Don't Judge a book by its movie

"Don't judge a book by it's cover", we hear that saying again and again, I myself can't stress enough how many times i've heard these words from my parents and other people around me, yet I still do it.
As a bookworm, I am kind of ashamed to admit how often I take one look at a cover of a book and decide to put it down even without reading about it's plot, just because it doesn't appear appealing to me. Not only that, I also get dictated by these book-hypes that the social media enables book lovers to have. However, lately I have found myself dealing with a different bookworm problem. I, now, tend to buy books because of their film-adaptation hypes!

The first incident was right after my friends and I watched 'The Maze Runner'. I was so fascinated by their story, their world, that I bought the whole book set without even looking more into the plot of the actual book, without looking up if they really did follow the books story or  changed a lot of things from it. 

I took one look at the boxed-set and I was taken. I mean look at these books. Perfection!
With this, I am not only guilty of judging a book by its cover, but by judging a book by it's movie too.

After a while of feeling utter satisfaction of getting my hands on these babies, I was able to talk about the movie with some of my book-loving friends, who by the way already read the whole series, only to hear how disappointed they were with the movie since it is really different from the book. Up to this day, I haven't read a page in the series yet but I'm sure i'll be able to within this month, nevermind the negative comments or what not.

After this incident, I promised myself not to get carried away again by such awesome effects and cinematography that I would end up buying a whole set of books.


Last Monday, I had my monthly 'me-day', wherein I'd go to the mall, watch a movie and do bunch of things alone (well that's for another post/story entirely), and I decided to watch Papertowns a movie based on the book written by John Green. 

It had been months since I have heard of this book. My bestfriend actually told me about it, telling me how nice the story was and how much she liked it, but being the forgetful person that I am, I forgot about it soon afterwards. Months later, my close friend from college also told me about it, saying that if she'll ever re-read a book or buy a hardcopy of a book that she had already read, that would be Papertowns by John Green. She told be about the book's plot and even spoiled the ending (if you're reading this, thanks Bianky!). TBH, after hearing the about it's whole plot and ending, I wasn't interested at all but since I was having my me-day, and there weren't any other movies showing in the cinema, I decided to give it a go.

Well after watching the movie this happened...

I liked the movie so much (I don't know if its has anything to do with Nat Wolff's charm or anything) that I immediately went to the nearest bookstore and bought my own copy, completely forgetting the promise that I made myself from the first incident. So far so good though, I haven't heard any negative comments towards the movie yet. I'm planning to read this book this coming week, hoping that i'll love it as much as I did the movie or maybe more than I did the movie.

Did this ever happen to you guys though?  Buying the book because of the movie? Or was it always watching the movie because of the book? 

Well I guess that's it for now.

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